• auto repair bay - image

Auto Repairs = Service

We are a full service auto repair, truck and car maintenance and repair garage. Full service auto garage repairs include all name brand parts. We offer a convenient drop key service at Russ's Service Garage which can fit your schedule better if your day starts early. We also have towing with road side assistance and tow services.

GVSU Student Discount

GVSU Students get a 10% discount on oil changes auto repair and vehicle maintenance.

Auto Services at Russ's Service Garage include:

  1. 1. Air Conditioning work
    1. 2. Side Glass Window repairs - Mirrors,cable driven windows,
      head lamps, tail lamps, blinkers & signals, window regulators
  2. 3. Full Service Oil Change - Lube Oil Filter
  3. 4. Engine & Part & Pump Repairs
  4. 5. Alignment- Photo Alignment
  5. 6. Brakes Pads and Rotors
  6. 7. Towing Services and Road Side Assistance in Grand Rapids, MI
Contact us for an appointment.

Avoid Vehicle Fatalities

Tip: Let us help keep you safe with auto repairs and maintenance. According to recent studies, 5 percent of all motor vehicle fatalities are clearly caused by automobile maintenance neglect.

Cooling Systems

Tip: The cooling system should be completely flushed and refilled about every 24 months. The level, condition, and concentration of coolant should be checked. A 50/50 mix of anti-freeze and water is usually recommended.
